Daily Devotion
The Big Picture
By Nina Keegan
Have you ever tried to put together one of those giant jigsaw puzzles that has at least a thousand pieces? At first glance into the large box of tiny freeform pieces, it's hard to imagine they will form a picture. One tiny random piece doesn't look like much of anything on its own; but once you start putting them together, the formation of a beautiful picture begins to take shape. If even one piece is missing, the puzzle will be incomplete.
Puzzles are like life sometimes; except for one major difference, we get to see the end results of the puzzle before we begin the long toil of assembling it. The full picture of the completed puzzle is always on the box-top. We already know how it will turn out and we are not the least bit surprised by its ending. Even though one piece on its own does not look like much of anything, together with all its counter parts, a wonderful picture emerges.
I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: My plan will take place, and I will do all My will. Isaiah 46:10
God is the creator of our great puzzle called life. Each one of us has our own unique box with an amazing picture on the top, The Big Picture; the picture that God carefully designed for each of us. Only God himself knows what our finished portrait will look like. He is working diligently on our behalf; tirelessly arranging all of our puzzle pieces into a wonderful order of abundant blessings on a pathway of unspeakable joy.
When we are going through the tough times we must remember that this is just one tiny piece of our puzzle. If this piece was missing, we would not be complete. We need all the pieces - good and bad, easy and difficult - to shape us and guide us on our uniquely individual paths. We may have to be uncomfortable for a bit. We may have to weather some unwelcome storms. But I guarantee you that those times of difficulty are never wasted. We learn through times of uncertainty. Our faith is fortified and strengthened. We learn to relinquish control and let God take the reigns. He has the bird's eye view. He has the miraculous ability to look down and see our entire timeline, start to finish, beginning to end and every single second in-between. He sees the whole puzzle at once. We see only the one tiny piece that we seem to be stuck on right now. He sees exactly where that piece belongs.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
This Scripture tells us that we were created for good works that God has already prepared for us ahead of time. So no matter where we seem to be or what issues we may be facing, they will be used for good because God has already gone before us and prepared the way. He sent His beloved son to pay the price in advance for everything we could ever need.
We must put our focus and trust in Him. Our trials build faith in our wonderfully omniscient God. If we knew what God knows, we would never change a thing. We would see the magnitude of impossibilities we could never face without God going before us to clear the way and secure our footing.
Enjoy your life piece by piece. Do not worry about tomorrow today. Let God be God!
Run to win that which has already been won for you. No matter what things may look like, a new piece of the puzzle is coming. God is already searching in the box for the perfect piece with the answer you have been praying for. God always sees The Big Picture.
Copyright © 2013 by Nina Keegan. Used by permission.
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Nina Keegan is a mother of 2 wonderful young men, she is a writer, blogger and owns an interior design business in Houston Texas. To read more from the writer go to www.godcake.blogspot.com
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