the Bible Says About Money
Pat Robertson The 700 Club As
Pat explains, how we spend money and how much we value it will ultimately determine
whether we are serving God or our own selfish desires.
- Money is not the root of all evil. The Bible says, "The love of money
is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in
their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows" (I
Timothy 6:10). The use of money can be very worthwhile. It can be used to build
orphanages and hospitals, to feed the poor, to preach the gospel, to build universities,
to educate people in righteousness, to establish churches, and to broadcast the
gospel. It takes money to print Bibles, to publish religious books, and to advertise
evangelistic meetings. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with money. The
question is what is money being used for? Is it being used for God's glory, or
is it being used only for pleasure? Is it being used for pride, to support dictators,
and for the purchase of arms with which to kill people, or is it being used for
a higher purpose? The love of money is a root of evil, because some people
love money more than they love God. Jesus said man cannot serve God and Mammon
(the false god of riches and avarice) see Matthew 6:24. The wage earner must
earn money to stay alive. We call it "earning a living." In earlier societies,
if a man had no wages he faced literal starvation and death. A supply of food
insulated him from the fear of death by starvation. Later, money became the substitute
for supplies of food and clothing. Soon, those who had more forgot the reason
they had accumulated so much wealth. The pursuit of money became an end in itself
-- a status symbol -- a measure of achievement. The question, "How much is he
worth?" almost always refers to money -- not musical ability, athletic ability,
or spirituality.
The rich man begins to feel superior to those who have to earn
a living. He can enjoy a life of luxury that is not available
to the average person. He is also given tremendous power and can
use his money to control and dominate other people. Money has
become so important that men will lie, cheat, bribe, defame, and
kill to get it. The love of money becomes the ultimate idolatry.
This is why Paul said, "The love of money is a root of all kinds
of evil."
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