Daily Devotion
A New Season
By Nina Keegan
We had just had our first "cold" spell of the season in Houston. Having been born and raised near Chicago, I found it quite amusing that the temperature falling to the high 60's was considered to be a cold snap.
Everyone it seemed could not get enough of the faint, cool, breezes that crooned through the trees. The crisp, new, chilly, autumn air unearthed an enthusiasm and a "get up and go" attitude that had been missing for quite some time.
What is it about a simple change in weather that can bring out the best in people? It's almost like each new season is a new beginning of sorts. It's very representation of newness stirs up changes in our souls. Autumn visions of our favorite warm cozy sweater; rich hot cocoa; and steaming hot apple cider spring into action in our hearts.
The Bible also references new changes and beginnings in our lives as being seasons. Seasons are metaphors for God's perfect timing in delivering us through all the changes He makes in our lives. These certain seasons can bring about the blessings we reap from having been obedient in following him through those changes even if we did not fully understand or welcome them.
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
This scripture tells us to never give up. No matter how long, strenuous and painstaking the road or trials are in our lives, there is always a new season ahead, a season of new beginnings.
Every day we can make the decision to begin again. We can adopt a positive mindset to overcome, conquer, and live triumphantly. All beginnings must eventually come to an end so a new beginning, a new season, can commence. We need to take the opportunity to look ahead at what can be and forget the what-might-have-beens. We can challenge ourselves to be better, live higher, rise above our own self-appointed limitations. We can look ahead to a new season of thinking, speaking, acting and living more positively. Each subtle change we implement towards living a more positive life will eventually take root and manifest itself into our days, weeks, months and years.
A beautiful tree full of wonderful green foliage and rich, ripened fruit can offer shelter, nourishment, and shade, but only temporarily. The leaves eventually turn brilliant hues of crimsons, golds, reds and oranges, offering us a wonderful spectacle to behold, a brushstroke of genius only God can artfully paint. Then, those leaves must fall, leaving that beautiful tree bare and vulnerable as it must survive the harshest of seasons.The tree must go through that season to begin a new life, a new cycle,with budding blossoms fragrant and beautiful.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3
We need to be incessantly grateful and thank God continually even when our future seems very unclear. We can still stay firmly planted in faith so we will never wither; but always prosper and produce good fruit.
All glory comes then from daring to begin, daring to change, ushering in each new season, and forever trusting God with each unpredictable new step. Never stop believing and growing. We can never fully know what God's intentions are for us, but we can always do our absolute best with where He has placed us right now. Only then, when we have learned all there is to learn and are truly grateful in this place, this season, will God move us to a new, more bountiful, and blessed season.
For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
Copyright © 2014 by Nina Keegan. Used by permission.
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Nina Keegan is a mother of 2 wonderful young men, she is a writer, blogger and owns an interior design business in Houston Texas. To read more from the writer go to www.godcake.blogspot.com
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