The Christian Broadcasting Network

Disaster Recovery

Experience God's peace in the midst of disaster

Operation Blessing Disaster Relief Outreach

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“Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” (Matthew 24:7)

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Emergency Survival Guide

By Peggy Park
Guest Writer Preparing for Emergencies

This material is complied with the idea that Christians already know by Scripture that there will be disruptions in the earth before the return of Jesus Christ.  We can be prepared with physical preparation in order to bless others around us and have a spiritual voice with them as we share our resources. 

Each single person and/or family unit needs to seek the Lord on the extent of these instructions that are right for you. 

Although the focus of this presentation is the physical, the most important preparation for all of life lies in the spiritual. Learn how you can experience God's peace in the midst of disaster.

72-Hour Survival Kits

The first 72 hours following a disaster are very critical.  You may need to leave your home suddenly.  Make a habit of having your vehicles filled with gas. Here are some other items to consider:

  1. Small jugs of water (gallon size is convenient).
  2. First-aid kit including your medications. 
  3. Ready to eat no-cook foods purchased from the sources listed below. Also granola bars, crackers, peanut butter, raisins or canned goods.  Have a manual can opener available. 
  4. Blankets – depending on the season.  I recommend space blankets as they store easily and provide ample warmth.
  5. Provision for heat not dependent on gas or electricity (fireplace or other).
  6. Handy wipes, toilet paper, and hygienic supplies. 
  7. Have items stored together in plastic bags with a list attached  of items to add at the last minute, i.e. extra eye glasses, food, etc.  Several sources recommend the basic 72-hour kits be kept in your car. 

First-Aid Box

Prepare a customized portable first-aid kit.  This is a more complete medical box than the one for your 72-hour survival period.  It should contain any prescription drugs you need as well as enough supplies to be able to take care of burns, wounds and other physical problems that may occur. 

A first-aid book would be helpful and can be obtained from the Red Cross by calling them.  They also sell first-aid kits. 

Fire Extinguishers

Buy an adequate number of fire extinguishers and acquaint family members with their location and how to use them.  ABC all-purpose 10 lb. size is recommended with a U.L. rating of at least 2A 40BC with hose and nozzle.  Most places that sell them can recharge them or tell you where to have them recharged. 


Access to drinking water is important.  You have the water in your hot water tank that can be drained.  Have a container that will fit under the drain and know how to drain it.  It may be necessary to open the valve at the top of the tank as well as the faucet at the bottom of the tank to start it draining.  Turn off the gas or electricity first. 

In addition, you will want to store water.  Plan on one gallon per day per person.  Store it in a dark cool place.  An easy source is five gallon jugs of bottled water.  It may become flat but that can be corrected by shaking it vigorously.  Jugs may be stored in a black plastic bag as exposure to sunlight for extended periods will cause fungal growth.  If you doubt the safety of the water upon opening you can add 1 tsp. of household bleach (hypochlorite type) to 5 gallons of water. 

If cost is a factor make your own supply of water with milk jugs or soda pop bottles that have been cleaned with hot soapy water and then cleaned with ¼ cup bleach to 1 quart water – let stand with cap on for three minutes, turn upside down 2-3 times to sterilize the cap as well.  There are other water containers sold through the suppliers listed.

Water purification tablets are sold in sporting goods stores as well as drug stores.

The PUR Explorer is a major advancement in outdoor water purification.  Two other excellent filters are the Accu filter 5 and the Swiss Katadyn Ceramic Pocket Filters – they are internationally recognized as superior filters. 

In summary, you need portable water for leaving your home.  Larger supplies are needed for home use. Also consider purification methods for contaminated water. 


You need flashlights for immediate use and a longer term source of light and heat for evenings.  Have a good, working, long-lasting flashlight by each family member’s bed in case the electricity goes off.  Immediately after disaster, do not switch on the lights or use flammable oils until you determine there are no gas leaks. 

Know How to Turn Off the Gas Into Your Home

Secure a wrench at the meter.  Put it in a plastic bag so that it will not rust and tie it to your meter.  The two holes on the meter will line up as you turn the wrench and the gauges will go down. 

Store extra batteries in your freezer as the shelf-life is almost indefinite. Store extra flashlight bulbs to fit the flashlights.  Once you are sure there is no gas in the area, you can use candles, kerosene lamps, or lanterns.

You may consider buying an electrical generator.

Oil lamps are easy and inexpensive to have around your home with the wick already soaking in the oil and ready to light.  Store matches near the lamp as well as a central place with your other supplies.  Store extra wicks with the lamp. 

Be sure all family members know not to turn lights on following an upheaval until you know if there is a gas leak so a spark does not ignite a fire.    

Other Steps To Consider

  1. Storing a long-term supply of food.
  2. Develop a simple system for checking condition of provisions on a regular basis. 
  3. Lay aside a 3-month supply of cash stored in currency or gold coins.  Lay up items to trade (batteries, 50 lb. boxes of nails, toilet tissue, etc.)
  4. Consider where to create a sheltered area in your home such as a protected part of the basement or interior room. 
  5. A large roll of plastic and scissors could be helpful as well as a piece of rubber hose for siphoning. 

Earthquake Considerations

If you are inside a building when an earthquake hits, move quickly to a position in a doorway, corner, or under a table as these have extra structural reinforcement.  Grab a blanket or coat if possible to put over your head to avoid facial cuts from flying glass.   

If you are outside, stay outside.  Move to an open area as soon as possible. 

Know where the water shut-off to your home is so if an earthquake occurs and the main lines are broken contaminated water will not come into your house.  If your main water shut-off is not easily accessible, you need to purchase a tool from a plumbing supply store that will enable you to turn it off at the street. 

Some of the worst potentials for household accidents from an earthquake are the hot water heater falling and the gas pipes breaking.  Secure the hot water heater to a wall stud with a rope and a screw eye. 

Plug bathtub and sinks if an earthquake occurs to prevent sewage backup. 

Home Emergency Action Plan

                     Person Responsible

Turn off gas _____________________________
Check for fires ___________________________
Get out emergency lights ___________________
Turn off electricity if needed  _________________
Turn off water if needed ____________________

Assign someone to check flashlights and other equipment periodically depending on your supplies.  Make sure your fire extinguishers are charged (checking supplies at change of season is adequate). 

Suggestions on Food

We can survive 40 days without food.  We already have many items we can use depending on whether we have electricity and what cooking arrangements we have made.  Hardware stores sell “canned heat” in little collapsible racks that could be used to heat soups, etc.  Many of you have grills.  There are “no-cook” foods for immediate use.  Air-dried dehydrated foods are good for long-term storage.

Check List

  • 72-hour survival kit (purchased or made) stored in a handy place with a list of extras that could be added at the last minute such as extra eye glasses.
  • Water
  • First-Aid Kit  
  • Food
  • Blankets
  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • Portable radio
  • Hygienic supplies (toilet paper, soap, toothpaste) etc.
  • Adequate water storage both small jugs and larger amounts.
  • Flashlights at bedsides and longer-term lights provided. 
  • Batteries stored in freezer
  • Extra bulbs for flashlights
  • Matches in water proof containers or a supply of “aim and flame” lighter sticks found in hardware departments.
  • All family members should know how to turn off gas to the house. Have a wrench at the meter.  Store in plastic bag and secure to meter.
  • Provision for lamp or lantern and fuel to operate.
  • Customized small first-aid box.
  • Fire extinguishers in place and charged.
  • Portable radio and batteries with extra batteries in freezer.
  • Know how to turn water off to the house.
  • Have system for checking provisions periodically. 
  • Long or short-term food storage as you feel led.
  • Stored items for barter.
  • Emergency action plan discussed with family and responsibilities
  • Secure hot water heater (if gas) to the wall.
  • All family members know how to turn off electricity to the house.
  • Have an agreed upon person outside of your location for all family members to contact if you are separated or if you live some distance from each other.  Consider possible places for an evacuation location and inform all family members. 

Pray through your position on defending your family and home from violence considering how you would protect your home and family (pepper spray, firearms, tazer ray stick).

After you make adequate preparations according to your own goals and comfort level you can live with peace of mind knowing you have done what you felt you should do to be prepared.  Keep in mind, we will be able to bless others if we are prepared. 

The prudent see danger and seek refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. (Proverbs 27:12)


Preparing for Emergencies by Dr. James McKeever and Mrs. Jeani McKeever, Omega Publications P.O. Box 4130 Medford, Oregon 97501 (800) 343-1111

Sources for Supplies
Nitro-Pak Preparedness Center
475 W. 910 S. Be Prepared Way
Heber City, UT. 84032

Safe Trek Outfitters
90 Safe Trek Place
Boseman, MT 59718

Discount hardware and camping equipment stores are good, dependable sources of oil lamps, oil, extra wicks, lanterns, heaters, batteries, radios, flashlights, extra flashlight bulbs, fire extinguishers, and bottled water.  These sources are listed in the Yellow Pages. 

This material has been complied for the body of Christ to encourage you to prepare physical resources to share with others in the event of disasters.  This may lead to opportunities for spiritual ministry to those with whom you are involved. If you have not received Christ as your Lord and Savior, I urge you to consider your spiritual preparation according to: 

For God so loved the world He gave His only Son so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.  There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust Him to save them.  But those who don’t trust Him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God. (John 3:16–18, The Living Bible)

 To begin a new life with him, sincerely pray this prayer.

Heavenly Father, I need you.  I acknowledge that I have rebelled against You, that I have sinned and fallen short of Your glory, and what You wanted for my life.  I now want to turn from my sin and follow You with all my heart.  Thank You for the gift of Jesus who took my sins upon Himself so that I might not be separated from You.  I pledge myself to Him as my Lord and Savior, and to follow Him in obedience.  Take control of my life, all of my life, and make me the kind of person You want me to be.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen. 

If you prayed this prayer, let us know so we can help you start you new life with Jesus.

Learn more: Steps for New Believers

Not ready to pray the pray, but still have questions?

Send your e-mail prayer request.

Or Chat Live with a CBN Prayer Counselor

Or you can call the CBN Prayer Counseling Center at 1-800-759-0700, 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week.

If you have a church and feel ill prepared spiritually for any emergency, contact your minister for further counsel and teaching.  If you do not have a church it is important to find one which accepts the Bible as the inspired Word of God as well as the guide book for our lives.

Peggy Park is an author, speaker, and nurse. She is the author of The Power of the Lamb’s Blood. Learn more at or

© Peggy Park. Used with permission.

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