money management
How to Prosper from Problems
By Crown Financial Ministries
– For some, discouragement, depression, and self pity are the result of problems and adversity. For others, problems are a challenge and help to bring about faith, trust, and victory. Christians are admonished to be overcomers: "And who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" (1 John 5:5).
The most common cause
The most consistent area of discouragement for most people is financial failure. Discouragement abounds because of unemployment or underemployment. When everyone is poor, it seems that most people can adjust to that. When someone has lost a job and most of his or her friends still have a job, however, it’s hard to handle. Not only are our egos involved with our ability to provide, but also our security is threatened. High debt loads and creditor pressures simply add to the feelings of inadequacy and failure. If we abide in Christ, our faith will grow and mature, which is exactly what John says it will do.
How to defeat discouragement
There is an old cliché that summarizes this area: "Keep on keeping on." You must decide what you believe and trust God, regardless of the outside circumstances. God gave us many examples of people who faced difficult situations. Although some collapsed into despair and self-pity, others, like Abraham, Nehemiah, Daniel, and Paul, grew stronger. It’s pretty clear that they weren’t perfect, but they were obedient. In their times of difficulty they did not panic or get depressed. They turned to the Lord.
Many of our current problems are the result of violating biblical principles, particularly those relating to money. Therefore, God will allow financial crises to come into many of our lives to give us the opportunity to decide whom we really serve. "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon" (Matthew 6:24). We must decide where our hearts are. We must turn to Christ in our time of need.
Are you seeking answers in life? Are you hurting?
Are you facing a difficult situation?
A caring friend will be there to pray with you in your time of need.