THe Finish Line Blog
Jets Get 'Tebowed'
By Shawn Brown
November 18, 2011
– Football, what a game! In my years as a sports reporter I have yet to find a game that is as metaphoric to the game of life as football (okay, maybe Golf). Let’s take a look at the offense for instance. The objective is to successfully move the ball down the field and into the end zone by passing or running it. In order to do that a few things have to happen, but for sake of time I’ll just say: preparation, preparation, preparation!
All eleven men on the offense must be prepared to handle the scheme of the opposing defense whose sole purpose is to stop you from accomplishing your goal. They spend the entire week prior watching the offense of the team they are about to play to try to find weaknesses. What will be the point of attack? How will that offense respond when put in certain situations? Then they put a plan of action in place and go after where they think the offense is weak. They’ve even gotten to the point where they recognize certain formations and try to anticipate where the ball is going ahead of time. But the offense also has studied in the same fashion the opposing defense to find what types of plays work against this defense that will allow them to gain the most yards down the field.
Imagine yourself as the offense and your goal is whatever God has placed on your heart to accomplish. Think of the defense as the all of the obstacles that get in your way. If you’ve prepared properly, you are conditioned to deal with whatever scrutiny, pressure, roadblock, or wall placed in your way.
In the same fashion, Denver Broncos Quarterback Tim Tebow, with his back against the wall, literally, drove his team down the field and scored the winning touchdown against the New York Jets. All eleven men had to have been prepared to handle the situation they were in. Despite all of the scrutiny Tebow has gotten over the past couple of weeks about his ability, he showed exceptional leadership during that game. So if there is any question about his ability to play in the NFL…watch the highlights! His play on the field was a great demonstration of how to pursue a goal even when it looks impossible.
“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Phil 3:14
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