Director/President, New Life International, an organization using various business ventures that promote the Gospel, since 1993
Founder, SoulWalk, an organization mobilizing Christians to walk/pray/raise funds for reaching people with the Gospel, since 2006
Founder, Reaching International, a non-profit that develops programs and business ventures to fund ministry projects.
Former CFO/Executive Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Brentwood, TN
Dove Award, 1995, Country Song of the Year "Without You I Haven’t Got a Prayer"
Married, Vanessa, 25 years; Son, Tyler, 20
Robby McGee: Walking for a Reason
– In August 1988, Robby was newly married and living his dream. He was traveling all over the United States playing in a Christian country music band. That summer in Panama City, a scuba diving accident changed all that. He resurfaced and was numb and disoriented on the boat.
“I had air embolism,” says Robby, a condition where gas bubbles get into the blood stream. Robby collapsed and was paralyzed from the chest down. According to doctors, Robby faced a future with a real possibility of never walking again.
At first, Robby was full of faith. His family and church family prayed for a complete healing. After four months in the hospital, Robby got to the point where he wanted to quit. “I felt like everything had been taken away and began questioning God,” says Robby. He struggled with the thoughts of never being able to walk again, have a family or even perform. “It’s different when you are the one lying in the hospital bed. It’s not different for God, but it is to you.”
At that point, Robby cried out to God in prayer. God began to speak peace to Robby’s heart. Regardless of whether he walked or sang again, the Lord told Robby that He had a purpose in Robby’s life.
“Nothing physical changed, but something changed down in my spirit.” Over the next 12 months, Robby began walking again, and playing again. He and Vanessa soon had their son, Tyler.
The accident didn’t change the way that Robby walked, it changed the reason that he walked. It began a passion in him to reach others with the Gospel. Robby travels all over the world and has witnessed millions who are starving not only for food, clothing and shelter but for the Gospel.
During one of the trips overseas, Robby asked the Lord for a new way to reach these people. Robby saw Christians in the United States walking for good causes like heart disease, cancer and muscular dystrophy. He asked, “Who is walking for souls?” That question turned into a vision. He decided to mobilize Christians and raise support for these souls in other countries through SoulWalk. Since its founding, over 280,000 people have received Christ through various outreach programs. Over 4.5 million people have come to salvation through Reaching International, a separate non-profit ministry he founded.
A friend invited Robby to attend a CBN Major Donor event in October of this year. He was very impressed with CBN and the Superbook project. Robby became a partner with CBN and decided to donate proceeds generated from sales of his newly-recorded Christmas album, Reaching for Christmas, to CBN's Superbook project. Find out how you can receive your own copy of these wonderful Christmas classics.
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