amazing story
Take Two on Girl Talk : Cee Cee Micheala
(Web Exclusive Part II)
By Mia Evans
The 700 Club
– From the Broadway stage to the glamour of Hollywood, Cee Cee Michaela has played some unforgettable characters. At the height of her acting career, she felt God calling her to leave it all behind. She began a journey which she says took her from “Hollywood to Holywood.” Today she encourages young girls to live a life of purity. Through her ministry GodzGirl Network, Cee Cee reaches hundreds of girls each year at her annual conference, and has some advice for parents on what kids need to know.
In the words of Cee Cee Michaela:
“We didn’t grow up with AIDS but AIDS is very real now. And it’s sad when you wake up, lay down for 5, 10 or 15 minutes and wake up with death.
The threat of AIDS and teen pregnancy is only part of the reason Cee Cee Michaela is so passionate about purity. Abstinence is a very personal subject for her. Cee Cee has worn a purity ring for eight years now and she created the GodzGirl Network to teach young girls the benefits of living a pure lifestyle. Each year in June, hundreds of girls attend the GodzGirl Holy-wood retreat in Atlanta.
“We have girls, all ages, and it’s wonderful to come together and be of like minds, and to know that you’re not the only one, and that everybody is not doing it.”
The retreat culminates in a purity ceremony where each girl makes a vow of purity to God.
“Explaining in the Bible, of course, how important a vow is and you don’t want to break it, you know, and it is a serious thing.”
Everyone goes home with a purity ring and:
“Accountability partners. That’s very important when you’re living a life of purity and abstinence, to have that girlfriend there for you to say ‘hey,’ because you’re gonna get tempted. Things are gonna happen, because the world is still going on.”
GodzGirl Network is also committed to helping parents teach their kids about the dangers of pre-marital sex and the rewards of waiting.
“The wonderful things about GGN is that it opens up lots of cans of worms. We’re very raw; we’re very real. We don’t hold anything back. We don’t sugarcoat anything. We go over all the diseases. We use the Word of God and we let them know this is how God feels about you. It doesn’t matter what other people say. You know, it’s about what God thinks about you.”
“We make it very real so that when they get home they’re like, ‘Mommy, guess what we talked about, guess what she showed me! Is that true? Why didn’t you tell me?’ And it’s like ‘I didn’t know how to tell you. I just, I didn’t think you were ready.”
“They’re ready because the world, they don’t sugarcoat. The videos are out there, the radio, the music, the fashion, the magazines, the billboards! I mean, they’re just inundated with images and lyrics and verbage, that you can’t hide it now. Even if you say ‘Oh we don’t do this in our home,’ you can’t escape it. So we’ve got to really get the children, get the Word of God in them. That’s their sword, that’s how they’re able to fight against the evil of this day.”
Mia: “How do you deal with girls who take the vow of purity but then they fall? What do you say to them? And what would parents say to their child in that situation?”
“Right, you know what, it’s just like the Word of God and Jesus, you know, you show love and mercy and grace. You get back up! You don’t have to stay down there. Things are gonna come your way, things are gonna happen. We teach them to get back up. We’re not so strong on them that it’s like ‘You better not ever!’ Because things are gonna happen. We hope and we pray, and a lot of them do stay strong and we’re so grateful for that. But things do happen, some of them do get pregnant. Some of them, they do fall.”
“Let’s get you back in the Word, and I gotta reinstill some thing, and we gotta rethink, and relearn, and undo. And you just keep teaching. Love on them, hug on them, because you’re gonna lose them if you fuss.”
“That’s the problem. So many mothers are throwing them out. And parents, if you’re listening please, there’s so much pressure on these young people. Now there’s more pressure on them even from the parents. ‘What are the neighbors gonna think?’ She’s like ‘Mom, I’m pregnant.’”
(Mia mimicking a parent): “What are people at church gonna think?”
(Cee Cee mimicking a parent) “Oh, you’re not going to church. We’re gonna have to get another church. We’ll just not go for a while until this is over.”
“No, go! Lord knows if you need God anytime you need it now.”
Cee Cee looks forward to getting married and raising children one day. If she has a daughter, she plans to pass on her purity ring and tell her this:
“No one gave me this talk, but the things I’ve been through, the pregnancy scares, the possible STDs, the emotions, the heartbreak, I want to talk to her about that. And let her know that it’s no joke and once you open the door, all you gotta do is give Satan an inch and he’ll take a mile. Talking about AIDS, talking about herpes, I want to tell her the things that never go away, that there is no cure for. And if that’s what you want, you know you gotta deal with the consequences. I want to talk to her about abortion and that some of these things will haunt you for the rest of your life.”
“And it’s okay to be holy and righteous and it’s okay to be covered and classy. You are okay with God being the lover of your soul and the only One in your life. It’s beautiful to wait.”.
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