The 700 Club with Pat Robertson


Ailie Harriger: That Healing Was For Me!

By Michelle Wilson
The 700 Club – "Before I started having migraine headaches, we were very active. I was active with the family. I was doing things outdoors and just enjoying life. I remember the day that I started having migraines," Ailie Harriager tells The 700 Club.

"All of a sudden, I just started having some blurred vision in the right side of my eye and just this intense pain in my head. You never knew when you were going to be hit with it and just experience totally debilitating pain. I would be in the middle of cooking, and I would just have to come inside in a dark room. I’d have to put a cold compress on my forehead and just block out any kind of light and any kind of sound."

She continues, "You’re just helpless. You just have to sit there and watch somebody suffer."

Ailie's husband Will remembers, "Our prayers were direct that her migraine headache would be healed. I mean it was just that simple."

"You just never know when it was going to happen, but you prayed for it and you believed it was going to happen. My husband and I watch The 700 Club all the time," says Ailie.

Will says, "We were sitting there watching, and they were going through the part where Gordon [Robertson] prays, and he had a word of knowledge and said that to the affect that somebody has migraine headaches..."

"God is healing that headache now. It’s being lifted off of you now in the name of Jesus. It’s not ever going to come back," said Gordon.

"And when he [Gordon] said that, my husband looked at me and I said, 'I wonder if that was for me.' I wonder if I should have claimed that for myself," recalls Ailie.

"And at that very instant, Gordon said those exact same words that I said. He said, 'Someone out there, you’re thinking should you have claimed that? Is that something for you?' And I just said, 'Yes, I am claiming that for me!' I put my hand on my forehead, and I didn’t feel anything at the moment, but I started crying because I just knew God was healing me at that time, and I have not had a migraine since that day."

"It’s so exciting to be able to just go outside and play with my daughter or be able to cook a meal," Ailie says.

"We give Jesus all the glory and thanks for his healing," adds Will. "He knows what you’re going through and His timing is the perfect timing. And whenever He wants to heal you, He can and He will."

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